Saturday, November 19, 2011

Why OAuth (Open Authorization) is necessary.

We visit many websites daily, of them some asks you to register to their website. And every one knows how boring it can get to fill up same details everywhere. It's a major issue for web designers. Most try to postpone registration unless required and keep it as small as possible.

Looking at the perspective of company it is very important to keep customer details. If you don't have customer details how do you push more products to them. Marketing teams needs it to plan advertisement to target consumers.

Think of a scenario. You want to buy a cell phone you go and search, you land up in a decent website. You like the product, and the vendor. You want to do some more research. That's the point where you left the website. Chances are you don't come back. To the website its a great loss. If they had your information they might have given a last try with some discount. But you never registered to the website.

OAuth comes here as a savior. You put a up a OAuth login option, user is directed to his OAuth website, he logs in , accepts to share basic information and you are done. Just a few clicks and you are saved from the lengthy registration form. You can always un-share your details when you want, something that was not possible before.

OAuth allows users to share personal data stored on one site to another without having to give user credentials.

On next post will take on how you can use Facebook as OAuth with an example code. And then do the same with Google. Do post about your suggestions.


  1. the info is good,but will be better if you can put in a more compact way and use language better..cheers

  2. The context you are describing is more about the OAuth protocol used for authetication and authorization. SSO, OAuth and OpenID all have different use cases.

    Facebook, Google, Saleforce twitter etc platform implemtn OAuth 2.0. Important is use controls their resource sharing.
